L o v e f o r O u r L a n d I s a F a m i l y T r a d i t i o n


G e n u i n e a n d Q u a l i t y P r o d u c t s

In the picturesque Tuscan countryside among cypress trees, vines, and olive trees, “I Natali” live. This was how the family of grandfather Giuseppe and great-grandfather Francesco was called, even further back to Natale.

The passion for the countryside, the desire to rediscover those values and flavors of a farming tradition prompted Eleonora to follow in the footsteps of her grandparents.

Together with her uncles Giuliana and Roberto, she wanted to give a new direction to the family farm.

And so, from grapes, always central, a new product – a challenge of superior quality – was created: a natural vinegar that could enhance the aromas and flavors of the grapes and wines of the Chianti hills.

Dolce Cuore d’Uva Balsamico

Balsamic Condiment

It is our flagship product, remarkably unique, extraordinary and unmistakable.

Cuore d’Uva Balsamico

Balsamic Condiment

It presents natural balsamic characteristics but differs from the common balsamic vinegar and from vinegar

Cuore d’uva

Red Wine Condiment

It’s the youngest product and has truly distinctive and superior characteristics that set it apart from the commonly understood Tuscan vinegar.

Aceto di Toscana Rosato

Tuscan Rosé Wine Vinegar

A 100% natural product obtained exclusively from Tuscan Sangiovese grapes with short bunches.

Aceto di Toscana Rosso

Tuscan Red Wine Vinegar

A 100% natural product obtained exclusively from Tuscan Sangiovese grapes with short bunches.


O u r V i n e y a r d s

Vinification and fermentations, essential for obtaining quality vinegar, are constantly monitored and managed naturally. With the aim of achieving a completely natural quality product, no additives or preservatives are used.

“I Natali” is a family of farmers that for many generations has been producing wine and oil with care and love for nature and the fruits of our land, always offering genuine and excellent quality products.


O u r S t o r y b e h i n d V i n e g a r


A r t i c l e s

Discover all the curiosities about our products and family traditions

The Dishes We Love to Marry

Just as with oils, every recipe has its vinegar. With surprising versatility, this condiment showcases its quality by enhancing the